Undergraduate Research Opportunity
Mechanical and X-ray Computed Tomography Characterization of SLS 3D Printed Parts We are seeking a self-motivated student proficient in ANSYS to contribute to this project.
Second Place Winners of Teknofest Helicopter Design Competition
For details,
Best Paper Award at International Conference on Circulating Fluidized Bed Technology (CFB-14)
For details,
For details,
Qs Ranking by subject, 2023
Research Projects
MMU411 Thermal Engineering and Design Projects
MMU498 Design Project II Posters
TAI Fixed Wing Aircraft Software Development Laboratory
Graduate Program Guidelines

Graduate Program in Mechanical Engineering


Graduate programs (M.S. and PhD) are administered by Graduate School of Science and Engineering (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü) (//www.fenbilimleri.hacettepe.edu.tr/). The language of instruction of the graduate programs is English.

For M.S. program, applicants from national/international universities with Bachelor degrees in Mechanical, Production/Manufacturing, Mechatronics, Aerospace and Automotive Engineering or applicants with 4-year bachelor degrees whose qualifications are approved by the Departmental Academic Committee may apply for admission.

For PhD program, applicants from national/international universities with M.S degrees (with thesis) in Mechanical, Production/Manufacturing, Mechatronics, Aerospace and Automotive Engineering or applicants with M.S. degrees (with thesis) whose qualifications are approved by the Departmental Academic Committee may apply for admission.

The following table outlines the minimum English Proficiency and Graduate Exam Scores for application.




Minimum English Proficiency Score



TOEFL CBT: 221-222

TOEFL PBT: 561-562



TOEFL CBT: 221-222

TOEFL PBT: 561-562

Minimum ALES or GRE Score

ALES Quantitative: 75

GRE Quantitative: 156

ALES Quantitative: 75

GRE Quantitative: 156

Letter of Intent


Yes (in English)


Course Requirements

Both M.S. and PhD programs consist of compulsory and elective courses. The compulsory courses for M.S. program are:

  • MMÜ 602 Numerical Methods
  • MMÜ 604 Analytical Methods in Engineering
  • FBE 601 Scientific Research Techniques and Publication Ethics
  • MMÜ 698 Seminar


The compulsory courses for PhD program are:

  • MMÜ 701 Applied Numerical Methods
  • MMÜ 703 Analytical Methods in Engineering II
  • FBE 601 Scientific Research Techniques and Publication Ethics (If not taken M.S. program)
  • MMÜ 799 Seminar


The elective courses which can be taken by both M.S. and PhD students are:

  • MMÜ 606 Advanced Fluid Dynamics
  • MMÜ 609 Elasticity
  • MMÜ 612 Advanced Dynamics
  • MMÜ 615 Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer
  • MMÜ 617 State Space Control Theory
  • MMÜ 618 Advanced Thermodynamics
  • MMÜ 620 Optimal Control Theory
  • MMÜ 623 Fracture Mechanics
  • MMÜ 625 Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • MMÜ 626 Advanced Applications of Finite Element Method
  • MMÜ 631 Advanced Mechanical Vibrations
  • MMÜ 634 Design of Rigid and Compliant Mechanisms
  • MMÜ 642 Advanced Energy Conversion Systems
  • MMÜ 645 Micro/Nano Robotics
  • MMÜ 647 Sensors and Sensing Systems
  • MMÜ 648 Robust Control
  • MMÜ 651 Advanced Vehicle Dynamics
  • MMÜ 654 Vehicle Control
  • MMÜ 662 Engineering Measurements
  • MMÜ 664 Advanced Materials Synthesis Techniques and Processes
  • MMÜ 670 Materials Thermodynamics
  • MMÜ 674 Kinetics of Processes in Materials Science
  • MMÜ 675 Materials Characterization Techniques
  • MMÜ 677 Advanced Mechanical Properties of Materials
  • MMU 680 Multiphase Flows
  • MMÜ 692 Special Problems in Mechanical Engineering I
  • MMÜ 695 Special Problems in Mechanical Engineering II
  • MMÜ 697 Scientific Writing
  • MMÜ 707 Incompressible Flows
  • MMÜ 708 Advanced Elasticity
  • MMÜ 709 Composite Materials Engineering
  • MMÜ 710 Flexible Multibody Dynamics
  • MMÜ 711 Analytical Dynamics
  • MMÜ 712 Kinematics and Dynamics of Robots
  • MMÜ 714 Advanced Heat Transfer
  • MMÜ 716 Advanced State Space Control Theory
  • MMÜ 717 Advanced Optimal Control Theory
  • MMÜ 719 Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics
  • MMÜ 721 Finite Element Application of Fracture Mechanics
  • MMÜ 722 Solid Mechanics Applications of Finite Element Method
  • MMÜ 723 Theory of Plasticity
  • MMÜ 724 Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • MMÜ 727 Advanced Experimental Vibration Analysis and Control
  • MMÜ 730 Applied Mechanical Vibrations
  • MMÜ 733 Analysis and Design of Rigid And Compliant Mechanisms
  • MMÜ 746 Advanced Sensor Technologies
  • MMÜ 749 Advanced Robust Control
  • MMÜ 750 Simulations of Vehicle Dynamics
  • MMÜ 751 Linear Matrix Inequalities Methods in Control Systems
  • MMÜ 753 Advanced Vehicle Control
  • MMÜ 763 Materials Synthesis and Assembly Techniques
  • MMÜ 771 Thermodynamics in Materials Science
  • MMÜ 772 Kinetics of Materials
  • MMÜ 773 Structural Characterization Techniques
  • MMÜ 776 Deformation, Fatigue and Fracture Behavior of Materials
  • MMÜ 779 Particulate Two Phase Flows
  • MMÜ 793 Special Problems in Mechanical Engineering I
  • MMÜ 794 Special Problems in Mechanical Engineering II


The M.S. students whose theses proposals are approved by the Graduate School of Science and Engineering register for MMU 605 Special Topics course.

During the PhD qualifying exam semester, the students register for MMÜ 797 Preparation for the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam course. The students whose theses proposals are approved by the Graduate School of Science and Engineering register for MMÜ 700 Special Topics course.

If you have taken and passed the course MMÜ6xx as a Master’s student, you cannot take its equivalent MMÜ7xx since these two courses are the same. If you have failed an elective MMÜ6xx course as a Master’s student, then in order to take its equivalent MMÜ7xx or another elective course you have to submit a petition to the department secretariat for this purpose.

Credit Transfer

Each student is allowed to transfer his/her credit of the graduate courses which he/she took in the last 5 years from national or foreign universities’ graduate programs after the proposal of his/her advisor and department as well as the approval of the faculty.

Credit transfer is limited to 50% of the graduate programs total credits if the courses were taken from a research university. Credit transfer is limited to 25% of the graduate programs total credits if the courses were taken from a non-research university. Students aren’t allowed to transfer must courses. Transferred courses should be only in English language.

Student are allowed to make the credit transfer application in the second semester after he/she started to take courses from Graduate Program of Mechanical Engineering Department of Hacettepe University. Application should include following documents:

  • A letter which states courses and their credits to be transferred signed by the student and the advisor,
  • Graduate program transcript of the previous university,
  • Course description documents which show that the graduate program course topics and the English language of the course,
  • Transcript obtained from Hacettepe University which shows that student has taken courses at least in the last two semesters of graduate program.

Degree Requirements

The programs including thesis preparation and defence procedures follow the relavant articles of ‘’Hacettepe University Graduate Education and Exams Regulations’’.

Requirements for the Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering are:

  • Successful completion (at least a C1 grade) of at least 7 courses, a scientific research technique and publication ethics course, and a seminar course adding up a total of at least 60 ECTS credits (23 national credits),
  • A minimum GPA of 2.50/4.0,
  • Successful completion and defense of a thesis work of 60 ECTS credits (MMÜ 605) before a jury.

Requirements for the PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering are:

  • Successful completion (at least a B2 grade) of at least 8 courses and a seminar course adding up a total of at least 90 ECTS (24 national credits),
  • A minimum GPA of 3.0/4.0,
  • Succesfull completion of the doctoral qualifying exam (MMÜ 797)
  • Successful completion and defense of a thesis work of 120 ECTS (MMÜ 700) credits before a jury.


Information on PhD Qualification Exam

The PhD qualification exam has two parts.

The first part is a general written exam covering the topics of undergraduate curriculum. Each student selects one of the following four fields for the general exam and receives 5 equally weighted questions from each topic listed under that field:

A. Thermal-Fluids Systems and Energy

  • Mathematics (MMÜ 218 and MMÜ 202)
  • Thermodynamics (MMÜ 205)
  • Heat Transfer (MMÜ 306)
  • Fluid Mechanics (MMÜ 305)
  • Any course from fields B, C and D except Mathematics.


B. Dynamics, Control and Mechatronics

  • Mathematics (MMÜ 218 and MMÜ 202)
  • System Dynamics and Control (MMÜ 324)
  • Dynamics (MMÜ 204)
  • Theory of Machines (MMÜ 309)
  • Any course from fields A, C and D except Mathematics.


C. Solid Mechanics and Design

  • Mathematics (MMÜ 218 and MMÜ 202)
  • Statics (MMÜ 203)
  • Mechanics of Materials (MMÜ 208)
  • Design of Machine Elements (MMÜ 307)
  • Any course from fields A, B and D except Mathematics and Mechanics of Materials.


D. Materials and Manufacturing

  • Mathematics (MMÜ 218 and MMÜ 202)
  • Materials Science (MMÜ 209)
  • Manufacturing Engineering (MMÜ 214)
  • Mechanics of Materials (MMÜ 208)
  • Any course from fields A, B and C except Mathematic and Mechanics of Materials.


In the 2nd part, a qualification exam committee formed according to the regulations of Graduate School of Science and Engineering administers a special written and an oral exam covering the topics of the graduate curriculum. The final decision is based on the performance of the candidate in general and special written exams and special oral exam according to the regulations of Graduate School of Science and Engineering.

The qualification exams are held twice a year, in Fall and Spring Semesters.